Part 72: Update LXIX: An Adventurer and the End of her Journey, Go: The Path of Conquest
Hi, Gino. What's up?
You know exactly what's up. You went to the guild by yourself. I had to renew my license too, y'know.
Oh, sorry. I forgot because I had a lot on my mind at the time. You got your license, right?
Of course I did. Take a look!
Yeah. Well, I'm going out first thing in the morning, so you better be ready.
What? First thing in the morning? W-Why? We should sleep in every now and then.
We can't do that. If we slack off, Master will find us.
Master? You mean Sterk? Are you hiding from him?
I'm a full-fledged adventurer now.
Hehehe. You were the clingy one until a short while ago.
Okay. Fine.
I know. Hey, one of them went that way!
No worries. I can beat it up in one hit!
No, that's not how you attack! You have to take one step closer!
Totori, Totori! Use some medicine now.
O-Oh, okay...
Geez! If you keep nagging from behind, I can't concentrate!
Then fight better so I don't have to. Everything you do is so reckless!
Teacher, what are you doing here?
Hehehe. Sterk was worried about Gino, so I tagged along to watch over you.
Geez, shut up. I'll do it how I want! And stop following me! You're so annoying!
How dare you talk back to your master like that!
There they go again. They'll be arguing for a while.
Oh, I made some pies for lunch. Let's eat until they're done.
Gino Ending
Gino Ending